4 years ago
While the George Floyd incident triggered this nationwide protest, most of what I'm reading here shows no understanding of the root problem. Instead your more concerned with property damage and (R) ideals. In fact, they are protesting against what they have been fighting for 400 years.

Minorities get stopped by police at the drop of a hat. Shakedowns, searches, and general harassment has become a regular occurrence instead of being a rarity. Murder by cop or some vigilante is a regular occurrence on top of the black on black murders that also take place. All the protest in the world will not change any of this. Change will only start when a new middle class (like the 1950's) occurs with minorities this time. Stop importing Smart Phones, Televisions, Refrigerators, Microwave Ovens, etc., and gear up American industry once again. If a black man is best qualified to manage a Steel Mill, then hire the black man and not the owners stupid nephew. Laws could ensure a new fair hiring code.

Raising the economic status of more Americans can only benefit America economically and reduce crime as time moves forward. More responsible middle earners buying American made products would produce a stronger and more tolerant nation. Less need for social welfare programs would make many of you happy and at the same time provide better support to those who the programs were meant for. Education would see a renaissance and America could again lead the world in education. Regaining american jobs back from Mexico, India, and the Orient could put more than Americas economy on a better path.
  • KRK
  • Veteran Member
4 years ago

While the George Floyd incident triggered this nationwide protest, most of what I'm reading here shows no understanding of the root problem. Instead your more concerned with property damage and (R) ideals. In fact, they are protesting against what they have been fighting for 400 years.

Minorities get stopped by police at the drop of a hat. Shakedowns, searches, and general harassment has become a regular occurrence instead of being a rarity. Murder by cop or some vigilante is a regular occurrence on top of the black on black murders that also take place. All the protest in the world will not change any of this. Change will only start when a new middle class (like the 1950's) occurs with minorities this time. Stop importing Smart Phones, Televisions, Refrigerators, Microwave Ovens, etc., and gear up American industry once again. If a black man is best qualified to manage a Steel Mill, then hire the black man and not the owners stupid nephew. Laws could ensure a new fair hiring code.

Raising the economic status of more Americans can only benefit America economically and reduce crime as time moves forward. More responsible middle earners buying American made products would produce a stronger and more tolerant nation. Less need for social welfare programs would make many of you happy and at the same time provide better support to those who the programs were meant for. Education would see a renaissance and America could again lead the world in education. Regaining american jobs back from Mexico, India, and the Orient could put more than Americas economy on a better path.

Originally Posted by: Smokey 

These comments are spot largely spot on. Tim Scott, who I discussed in an earlier post is a great example of a black guy being hassled.

I, as an employer, should endeavor to hire minorities, ALL THINGS BEING CLOSE TO EQUAL. There is HUGE competition for qualified minorities. Unfortunately, things aren't close to equal often enough. It really starts with primary and secondary education. Without education, no commercial opportunities will exist. The reality is that businesses exist to make money, not train people. There are just not enough QUALIFIED minorities.

Our school systems have become baby-sitting services, regrettably. We have to return to basic fundamental in our education systems (including corporal punishment). I am talking about practical education, not indoctrination. Reading, math, sciences, civics (yes the constitution). Without education and an understanding of the legal system, minorities don't have a chance....and the cycle continues.

That notwithstanding, there are significant cultural issues as well. Kids from single parent homes find it much harder to compete as they don't get help learning at home. Teachers can't do it by themselves, parents always teach more than children....and if parents are ignorant, the vicious cycle continues.

In Luce tua Videmus Lucem KRK
4 years ago

First, thanks KRK.
Kevin, my point about him not complying with the cops is, had he complied, chances are he wouldn’t have ended up on the ground in the first place.
1. Don’t commit a crime, and you have nothing to worry about.
2. If you are stupid enough to commit a crime and get caught, do not resist the police. Do what they tell you to do!

Originally Posted by: Cheesey 

Let's assume he knowingly committed a crime. Let's say he failed to comply. By all means, throw his ass to the ground, kneel on him, and do what is needed to subdue him. However, I'm missing the part that condones excessive force to the point the individual loses their life. Oh wait, that's right. If you're stupid enough to commit a crime, and fail to comply, you should maybe die. Who cares if it's being in possession of a counterfeit $20 bill that you MAY or MAY NOT have known was counterfeit.

Several years ago I had police draw their guns on me as I stepped out of my car. They ordered me to raise my hands, and I did. Then they threw me to the ground and knelt on my back while handcuffing me. I never once resisted. I complied while asking what I did, why am I being arrested, etc. Once loaded into the back of the car they told me my plates came back from a stolen car. I informed them that the plates are from my old car which was stolen earlier that day before the junkyard could come pick it up. Before being let go, I asked them why I was thrown to the ground and had two officers kneeling on my back. They told me it's protocol for a felony stop.

A police officers job can be extremely tense and difficult. They do not know if a "routine" traffic stop is going to turn into a gun fight or result in a written warning. They have to PREPARE for the worst and hope for the best.

When someone is on their stomach, surrounded by multiple officers and hands cuffed behind their back, there is no reason whatsoever for someone to have a knee on their neck.
4 years ago

I hate to nitpick, but I actually don't quite agree with that.

95%...maybe chance

Further, all of the cops involved in the incident knew exactly what was going on...and from what I understand, they didn't say or do squat to stop the real bad cop. If you are not part of the the solution, you are part of the problem. (Please...I am not excusing the rioting per my previous post)

But there are a few cops who are on ego trips...maybe they have little tools, maybe they never got the girl in high school. They are cops because they want someone to respect them, and occasionally fear them. Then, there are racist ones. If you don't believe me, listen to Senator Tim Scott from S.C., a conservative Republican black guy who experiences it first hand.

99% That's the same BS platitude I hear about "the 99% of guys in FBI are good honest people". If all those good honest people had done something other than stand around with their fingers up their asses during the whole Russia charade, we wouldn't have had to deal that farce for 3 years. Again, if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

And please, everyone spare me the 99% of protesters are peaceful. That's BS as well.

Sorry to bitch, but I guess I am tired of all the free passes getting passed around....except for people who want to go to church.

Originally Posted by: KRK 

Majority of police are good.
Majority of those who protest are harmless.

That's what I believe.

We only hear about the bad because it provides shock value. People want that for some reason. They feel they are owed entertainment of any kind.
  • Cheesey
  • Preferred Member Topic Starter
4 years ago
Kevin, I have consistently said it was NOT acceptable what the bad cop did, and he should be prosecuted!
Using that kind of force on a man that is handcuffed on the ground is not right.
He should be locked up, and the cops that stood by and did nothing need to be also held accountable.
  • Cheesey
  • Preferred Member Topic Starter
4 years ago
Smokey, did you hear about the black racist man that walked up behind a pair of 80 year old white people, who were visiting the grave of their son, and shot them both dead because “he hates white people”? Where is the outrage for this? Should whites protest about this? Destroy property and loot?

Yes, I agree 100% with you that we need to return to the 1950s black homes, where there were 2 parent homes, families went to church and taught morals to their children. The 1960s, with the “if it feels good, do it” and “free love (lust)” attitude has helped to destroy the foundation of this country. We have raised a selfish self centered people (all people) that thinks that only THEY matter. What they want matters, and screw you. You are 100% correct on what you said about the need for equality. We as a nation are now reaping what we have sown.

Now, as far as the protests. People have a right to do so. The sad part is, most of these protests end up in riots and looting.
Plus, aren’t we supposed to be social distancing? How will hundreds of people close together not causing a very possible covid outbreak? People can’t go to church, but can gather by the hundreds to protest.
  • Cheesey
  • Preferred Member Topic Starter
4 years ago
Something else I have seen on the news, that many businesses that have insurance will not be compensated for the damages done during these “protests”. Riot damage is usually not covered, or if it is carries a high deductible.
So, many small businesses that have been damaged/looted will not be able to recover from this.
So one man dies at the hands of a horrible cop, and thousands of innocent people have to suffer because of it. How is that justice?
Will that bring blacks and whites together? To see people that have worked hard for what they have have it destroyed for no reason? Yes, no reason. Peaceful protest is fine. But what these animals are doing is criminal. And most of the bad people wont get caught, as they are in a mob and know that will most likely cover their crimes.
That’s what makes them so “brave”. Knowing they can hide behind others.
They are cowards.
4 years ago

Something else I have seen on the news, that many businesses that have insurance will not be compensated for the damages done during these “protests”. Riot damage is usually not covered, or if it is carries a high deductible.

Originally Posted by: Cheesey 

Can you provide a source on this? Outside of the fact that a person/lawyer/business can have various different avenues to classify damage under commercials insurance policies for coverage purposes, I'd like to know what information leads you to make this statement. With respect, I believe you've mentioned a few times that you are unable to work and you don't own a business so I am curious as to how exactly you are able to make that definitive statement. I've actually had lawyer friends working in Minneapolis say the opposite: shutdowns from Coronavirus would not have qualified as "business disruption" covered under insurance policies, but damage from the protests opens up other avenues for insurance adjustments that otherwise would not have been available to businesses.

I'm not going to debate your political beliefs Cheesey, but I will ask you to not be so tone-deaf as to refer to other people as animals. One of the persistent issues that black people have, based on my conversations with black friends/colleagues/distant relatives and the materials I've read on the topic is that black people are portrayed as animals whose lives are largely worthless. Based on what I've read, that issue is part of the Black Lives Matter platform too.

The least you can do is to not explicitly brush people of a different color as animals. Disagree with the methods, with how they are attempting to achieve progress, etc... but for the love of God please do not try to punctuate your point by expressly labeling a group of people with a different skin color than yours as animals - even if such people are engaging in activities you view as criminal. Defend police, decry looting and rioting, that is not my issue here ... your words linking a group of black people to animals literally reflects the language many individuals (including myself) view as racist.
The NFL: Where Greg Jennings Happens.
  • Cheesey
  • Preferred Member Topic Starter
4 years ago
Uh...allabout.......did I say that black people are animals? YOU ASSUMED I meant blacks! That makes YOU the racist. I said the rioters are animals. I don’t care if they are black, white, yellow, green, whatever color.
And it was on Spectrum news today about the shop owners not being covered on riots. They were talking to the small business owners association leader in Madison Wisconsin. She was the one that was pointing out that fact.
She also said loss from looting was not covered also.
It seems people here don’t read what I say. They think because I’m a conservative Christian, they can assume that I’m a racist. They judge me on their own preconceived ideas.
I actually have black family members.
I actually read what people write before I make my comments.
It sickens me that people want to excuse the actions of animals (of ALL skin colors) that hurt innocent people by destroying their livelihood just because they want to do it.
What would any of you call people that do these heartless actions? They are scumbag criminals.
Political correctness is stupid. Call a criminal what they are.
What would you call the cop that had his knee on Floyd’s neck? I’d call him human scum. You going to call me out on that?
I’m not a racist. And I also refuse to give a free pass to ANY people that break the law. If you destroy property and steal, you are a criminal and should be held responsible. I don’t care what your skin color is or your excuses.
I’m white. I’m not ashamed of being white. Why is it ok for an African American to wear a shirt proclaiming pride in their heritage, but if I wore one that said I was proud of my white heritage, I’d be labeled a racist? My wife’s great great grandfather fought against slavery in the civil war.
Whatever your skin color is, do the right thing and make people proud of you by who you are, what you make of yourself, the good you do in this world.
  • KRK
  • Veteran Member
4 years ago
I think the situation with P&C insurance is that there is typically, a high deductible, but above that deductible losses are covered, but we are missing the bigger long term problem.

The bigger problem is that these residents in major cities are are screwing themselves by looting stores in these cities:
  • Stores will assess the cost of doing business and will decide to move (whether its in a bad neighborhood or Michigan Avenue) because the cost of doing business is too high.
  • Those that stay will raise their prices through roof because:
  • - the cost of doing business is very high as they have to account for losses - there is less competition[*]the revenue tax base erodes[*]the tourism tax base erodes[*]property taxes rise to compensate for tax revenue losses[*]restaraunts can't make it with CCPvirus restrictions, they close[*]more people move out[*]CCPvirus accentuates the problem as people who could afford to move to the suburbs because they don't have to go into work.[*]Major companies ask themselves, "WTH are we doing with all this expensive office space with our employees don't want to go to?" Then they move out, accelerating the revenue loss for cities.[*]Schools lack funding and the poverty cycle continues[*]Politicians and the race industry cry "racism"[/list]
    In Luce tua Videmus Lucem KRK
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