8 years ago
During the season it was stated several times that during this off-season things would be drastically changing. Perhaps the drastic change is simply more transparent structure and expectations. When these changes will be implemented is unknown. Right now, life is more important and I hope you understand that.

PACKERSHOME is going to be 10 years old later this year and it is time we get back to what made PH great. It will happen, even if that means a few more recognizable people are vanquished.

I've worked too hard, put too much time and effort to let this site go to the curb without giving one helluva damn fight.

Share your complaints at bluntly as possible regarding anything or anyone. No holds barred. Change is a must.

- 'rules' need to be transparent and as black/white as possible
- as consistent enforcement of rules as humanly possible
- halt personal bickering swiftly
- focus on topics
uffda udfa
8 years ago
Good for you. The personal attacks should not happen no matter how much you disagree with the subject matter of someone's post. I cause trouble without intent due to my criticism of our management. I should be able to do that in peace without people feeling personally offended. Nobody here plays or manages the Packers but by the responses I receive you'd never know that.
Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."

8 years ago

Good for you. The personal attacks should not happen no matter how much you disagree with the subject matter of someone's post. I cause trouble without intent due to my criticism of our management. I should be able to do that in peace without people feeling personally offended. Nobody here plays or manages the Packers but by the responses I receive you'd never know that.

Originally Posted by: uffda udfa 

I feel offended because I was the well known Ted Thompson hater and Rodgers hater, the wagon is getting to full some people need to get off so i can have my peace again 😊 I do miss the old days Kevin when we felt like a family in here and i hate to say it but that is gone. I try and help out as much as I can, but as you said along time ago we have to make this place great as a group. But I still give ya the props on this whole thing. Damn 10 years already I feel old. I remember i first came here with Dfoster and you told me from day 1 you wouldn't ban me because I couldn't stand Ted Thompson and from then on it was history. So Thank you very much for it all Kevin. I don't think people say that enough to you, it's not like this site is free to run either.

Just Imagine this for the next 6-9 years. What a ride it will be 🙂 (PS, Zero should charge for this)
8 years ago

Good for you. The personal attacks should not happen no matter how much you disagree with the subject matter of someone's post. I cause trouble without intent due to my criticism of our management. I should be able to do that in peace without people feeling personally offended. Nobody here plays or manages the Packers but by the responses I receive you'd never know that.

Originally Posted by: uffda udfa 

You "cause trouble" by repeating yourself over and over again, misrepresenting other peoples' argumentation, then repeating your spiel over and over again.
“Winning is not a sometime thing, it is an all the time thing. You don't do things right once in a while…you do them right all the time.”
8 years ago
I'll get scolded for this by most but it's time for permanent mods and a list of preset rules... I know I know I am a flipping Nazi blah blah but I am speaking frankly Kevin worked his ass off building this site. He shouldn't have to come here and get crap from anyone at all.

I am not sure any of you know how much work goes into updating software..dealing with hosting and the numerous other tasks site owners go through but it's not worth listening to some knuckle head bitch and moan because he didn't get his way waaaahhh.

Also being a member of a forum/message board etc is a privilege not a right... you can't join .. walk in the door and expect to be treated like god's gift. Further everyone has an opinion, just because it doesn't match yours doesn't make "insert name " an asshole.The other side of that is once you state your point stop bloody arguing for 8 pages because no one else shares your viewpoint.. that's trolling in the forum world and almost all boards toss your ass for it plain and simple.

Don't fuck up a good thing here people because Kevin is one of the last real forum owners left... we have both watched board after board fold or sell and or go to shit.

Thanks for the hard work Zero and PH family it's your home treat it like you would your own home. [twocents]
8 years ago

Don't fuck up a good thing here people because Kevin is one of the last real forum owners left... we have both watched board after board fold or sell and or go to shit.

Thanks for the hard work Zero and PH family it's your home treat it like you would your own home. [twocents]

Originally Posted by: 68md 

Mic drop!

Also I know i'm not as well known around these parts as most. But I have been lingering around here since around 2006 or 7 if I had to guess and I have always found this board to be full of much more genuine and intelligent folks compared to other NFL boards.

I tried interacting on another well known packers forum during my high school years (02-05) but rarely found anyone willing to acknowledge my existence because I was some "dumb" bandwagon noob. Here most everyone has at least acknowledged and somewhat respected my opinion so I that I am thankful for!

Cheers all! Here's to another 10!

uffda udfa
8 years ago
I heard trolling mentioned. I've read the definition and arguing for a million pages is in no way trolling if you're genuine in what you're saying.

A troll purposely tries doing things to sow discord for personal jollies. I have never done such but have heard the label. Define the word in the rules so it's clear for everyone. Troll should not mean that someone is tired of what you're saying just because they're offended by your belief. If 20 posters seconded a positive notion that is considered just fine but that's far more dangerous to board health than what has been incorrectly labeled trolling. It becomes as convenient as the race card and equally misapplied.
Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."

8 years ago
What is Trolling?
In my earlier days of forumwhoring we labeled people who would pop into a Packers forum and say something like "Aaron Rodgers is an overated piece of garbage with granny panties wedged up his ass" as trolls.

This was back in the very late 90's and early 2000's so maybe the definition has morphed, but to me, that's the definition I'm familiar with.

I really don't think we have that issue here that much and those who do come in with a chirp like that we all have collectively shrugged it off.

Honestly, I really feel the biggest issue with the website is me. I hate rules, I mean I really hate rules. How do you decide what is a rule? Does said rule have loopholes? Does said rule have a black/white line? Is said rule easily enforced? Are consequences easily enforced? It's a lot more work than I believe most care to realize.

I have a lot of notes jotted down from the last several months and I need to figure out how to succinctly craft them into something that's concise and easily understood. That's on me. That is my responsibility.

PACKERSHOME is not a cesspool or anything like that. FLORIDA PACKER88 summed up exactly what I want viewers to see when they hit PH. Ability to freely share their thought (even if it is that Janis is God and Adams is poopoo).

The forum software has some features that I'm going to be modifying, but it's just so hard to get to it when I feel I have to babysit. I know it sounds like whining, maybe it is, but it's also the truth. I come here to be informed and learn something and above all, have fun. It's hard to do that when I see the same one or two people bickering throughout each thread. I can only imagine how many people this turns away from contributing their thoughts an insight.
8 years ago
Ufda is annoying, and others have been in the past, but there IS an ignore button after all.

I think the only time I've ever clicked REPORT ABUSE was one time on accident, because my cursor jumped across the page weird and so I clicked on the wrong thing.

I don't think Ufda trolls on purpose, but the effect is similar. I just don't think we need rules or moderators or any of that. If you find it so annoying you can't bear it, then IGNORE. Most of us are grown ups here.
“Winning is not a sometime thing, it is an all the time thing. You don't do things right once in a while…you do them right all the time.”
8 years ago
It gets annoying when the majority of threads that have discussion end up getting taken over by the same few and with the same repeated ideas, example "self shitting". it may be funny or entertaining a couple times, when it gets repeated Ad nauseam it is nothing but annoying and childish. There is also a difference between having and voicing an opinion and debating, and being a schmuck and dominating multiple threads with the same idea.

To many thread become pissing contests. If that is where they go, I know how to work my zipper and have enough time to waste. But it shouldn't be that difficult to discuss and disagree and be civil at the same time.

Don't forget, if rules end up being instituted it is because somebody or somebodies cause it to happen by their actions.
The world needs ditch diggers too Danny!!!
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    Fan Shout
    buckeyepackfan (3h) : Russ Ball is a genius when it comes to manipulating The Salary Cap hits on contracts!
    buckeyepackfan (3h) : Not going to be as bad as some might think, this will look like a bargain in 2 years.
    buckeyepackfan (3h) : 75mil signing bonus
    buckeyepackfan (3h) : 77mil Signing Bonus, 155mil in new guarantees! Going to have to wait for the breakdown of the entire length of the contract .
    Zero2Cool (5h) : Jordan Love and the Packers have agreed to a 4 year $220M contract
    Martha Careful (8h) : Olympic opening ceremony is marginal at best
    Zero2Cool (10h) : I was told that the hold up with Tua was the APY but they ironed it out and for Love, it’s been structure of the contract. -- Dianna Russini
    Mucky Tundra (10h) : Tua and Love have the same agency, so things might be closer than we realize
    Zero2Cool (10h) : Dolphins QB Tua Tagovailoa has agreed to a four-year contract extension worth $212.4 million, including $167 million in guarantees
    Zero2Cool (10h) : Sounds like 4 year deal coming
    Zero2Cool (10h) : Tua and Dolphins seem to have an extension in place.
    Mucky Tundra (10h) : @prettyrickey213 Today has been flippant 🐬. Now waiting for it to be cheesy 🧀
    Zero2Cool (11h) : Jones, Ballentine and Jennings join practice off PUP
    Zero2Cool (13h) : Yikes.
    wpr (13h) : The injuries keep on coming. Lions K Michael Badgley tears hamstring, out for season.
    Zero2Cool (14h) : Great, Jenkins is taking snaps at Center. Lovely. More OL mishaps
    wpr (25-Jul) : Another one bites the dust. Rams CB Derion Kendrick feared to have torn ACL
    Zero2Cool (25-Jul) : Vikings CB Mekhi Blackmon tore his ACL today, a source confirms.
    Zero2Cool (24-Jul) : You do know he's QB2, right? Pratt. Check the 53 cheat sheet
    Mucky Tundra (24-Jul) : If Clifford keeps playing the way he has Pratt is gonna be flying by him on the depth chart
    Zero2Cool (24-Jul) : Michael Pratt getting more first team reps than J.J. McCarthy
    Zero2Cool (24-Jul) : Who made a prediction? I posted what it will be, not prediction mate! 😁
    dfosterf (24-Jul) : It is within.the realm of possibility that someone had Bowden on their depth chart prediction. I thought they did. Could be wrong
    Zero2Cool (24-Jul) : Record Prediction?
    dfosterf (24-Jul) : I think someone edited their prediction post after
    Zero2Cool (24-Jul) : Jayden Reed cleared to practice
    Zero2Cool (24-Jul) : Never heard of the dude before haha
    Zero2Cool (24-Jul) : Bowden is trash, can't snap his way out of a wet paper bag!
    beast (23-Jul) : I'm hoping they re-sign Bowden after Love signs and this is just a game to get a 3rd QB while Love isn't practicing
    Zero2Cool (23-Jul) : got older over *
    Zero2Cool (23-Jul) : Glad to hear it! And Happy Birthday! My brothers had got over over weekend
    Cheesey (23-Jul) : Hi Kevin! Yes, I'm still alive. Just turned 67 a few days ago.
    Zero2Cool (23-Jul) : Alan has entered the building!!
    dfosterf (23-Jul) : Cutting Bowden is odd. I do remember reading he needed to work on his velocity, but don't even know how fixable that is
    Zero2Cool (23-Jul) : Packers signed a QB today
    Zero2Cool (23-Jul) : Packers long snapper Peter Bowden has been released to sign Jacob Eason.
    wpr (23-Jul) : I heard Reed tweeked his ankle and his youth camp.
    beast (23-Jul) : I believe NJI is usually used for pre-NFL injuries (rookies) and vets that got injured doing something they weren't supposed to.
    beast (23-Jul) : Might be interesting to hear how Reed got injured, as I believe NJI is non-football and teams don't have to pay you list.
    Zero2Cool (22-Jul) : Love won't practice until new deal is agreed. Ok, my stance changed
    Zero2Cool (22-Jul) : TRAIIIIINNNNNING CAMP!!! let's fookin go!!!
    Zero2Cool (22-Jul) : Jayden Reed placed on Non-Football Injury list
    beast (21-Jul) : Yeah with the way the cap went up, don't be surprised if the new good QB gets more than $55 million per season
    Zero2Cool (21-Jul) : Kenny Clark. Extended!!
    buckeyepackfan (21-Jul) : The "raw" number will probably be in that area. The numbers to look at are signing bonus. Guaranteed money, and Salary Cap Hit each year.
    dfosterf (21-Jul) : Those numbers align with my guesstimate. Might find out tomorrow
    Zero2Cool (21-Jul) : Saw some rumor the Love contract is around 5 years $280m. There's no way.
    Zero2Cool (19-Jul) : Packers sign wide receivers Rory Starkey and Jalen Wayne, waive Alex McGough.
    Zero2Cool (19-Jul) : Free agent QB Jake Fromm worked out for the #Packers today,
    Zero2Cool (18-Jul) : Cobb has NOT retired. open to playing in right situation
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