14 years ago
The way it was explained at one point on NFL Network was he was asked the questions in this order...
1.What is your dad's occupation?
A: He is a Pimp. (really?)
2. What is your mom's occupation?
A: She works for my dad.
3. Is your mom a prostitute?, if we all knew what a pimp was, wouldn't that be the next logical question? It would be for me. Sorry, but if I am handing money like that over to a child, I am asking whatever the hell I want to ask....and if you don't like it ska-doodle. Too many people were butt-hurt over this QUESTION. Its not like Jeff Ireland came out and said, "Hey Dez, your momma is a whore."

It was a question.
14 years ago

If someone wants to give me $20 million, they can ask me any damn question they want to.

"IronMan" wrote:

I'd punch Mike Tyson in the face for $20 million ... I think once out of the hospital my 20 mil would be 24 mil with interest.
14 years ago

The way it was explained at one point on NFL Network was he was asked the questions in this order...
1.What is your dad's occupation?
A: He is a Pimp. (really?)
2. What is your mom's occupation?
A: She works for my dad.
3. Is your mom a prostitute?, if we all knew what a pimp was, wouldn't that be the next logical question? It would be for me. Sorry, but if I am handing money like that over to a child, I am asking whatever the hell I want to ask....and if you don't like it ska-doodle. Too many people were butt-hurt over this QUESTION. Its not like Jeff Ireland came out and said, "Hey Dez, your momma is a whore."

It was a question.

"G-Force" wrote:

Thanks to TheViking88 for the sig!!
  • Pack93z
  • Select Member Topic Starter
14 years ago

The way it was explained at one point on NFL Network was he was asked the questions in this order...
1.What is your dad's occupation?
A: He is a Pimp. (really?)
2. What is your mom's occupation?
A: She works for my dad.
3. Is your mom a prostitute?, if we all knew what a pimp was, wouldn't that be the next logical question? It would be for me. Sorry, but if I am handing money like that over to a child, I am asking whatever the hell I want to ask....and if you don't like it ska-doodle. Too many people were butt-hurt over this QUESTION. Its not like Jeff Ireland came out and said, "Hey Dez, your momma is a whore."

It was a question.

"Formo" wrote:


"G-Force" wrote:

So you have the player saying that is not how it happened.. and you have the executive already calling and apologizing.. then you have the Fins leaking this story of events?

And we are suppose to just accept that?

The next obstacle is why in the hell is it at all important what his mother or father do or have done for a living?

And if that is a vital piece of information for you to draft and employee this player.. then frame the context better.

Personally.. I think it was a bullshit question posed by a guy that thinks he is somehow above the player.

And quite honestly I am severely disappointed in the league overall.. they paint themselves as protecting the shield.. yet they allow this to slide through with hardly a ripple upon the pond.

There is no place for that type of question.. and personally if someone asked me that question.. he better be able to block a punch.. because it is coming.

I find it a shame that society has grown to allow such a disrespectful line of questioning..
"The oranges are dry; the apples are mealy; and the papayas... I don't know what's going on with the papayas!"
14 years ago

The way it was explained at one point on NFL Network was he was asked the questions in this order...
1.What is your dad's occupation?
A: He is a Pimp. (really?)
2. What is your mom's occupation?
A: She works for my dad.
3. Is your mom a prostitute?, if we all knew what a pimp was, wouldn't that be the next logical question? It would be for me. Sorry, but if I am handing money like that over to a child, I am asking whatever the hell I want to ask....and if you don't like it ska-doodle. Too many people were butt-hurt over this QUESTION. Its not like Jeff Ireland came out and said, "Hey Dez, your momma is a whore."

It was a question.

"pack93z" wrote:


"Formo" wrote:

So you have the player saying that is not how it happened.. and you have the executive already calling and apologizing.. then you have the Fins leaking this story of events?

And we are suppose to just accept that?

The next obstacle is why in the hell is it at all important what his mother or father do or have done for a living?

And if that is a vital piece of information for you to draft and employee this player.. then frame the context better.

Personally.. I think it was a bullshit question posed by a guy that thinks he is somehow above the player.

And quite honestly I am severely disappointed in the league overall.. they paint themselves as protecting the shield.. yet they allow this to slide through with hardly a ripple upon the pond.

There is no place for that type of question.. and personally if someone asked me that question.. he better be able to block a punch.. because it is coming.

I find it a shame that society has grown to allow such a disrespectful line of questioning..

"G-Force" wrote:

I initially was in the same camp as you, Shawn. Personally, I probably would have taken it with far less grace than Dez.

But, then I thought about it a bit deeper. I figured the kid's about to make more in one contract than 99% of people in the world make in a lifetime (stat was made up, deal with it). These teams are investing a lot of cash on these kids fresh out of college.. College where the emphasis is on football, not academics. Dez has had a history with how he handles his emotions, etc. I don't know the full story behind the question, but if it was a test question to see how mentally prepared for the rigors of being under a microscope that being an NFL player brings.. It might have be justified.. Wrong wording or not. If it went down the way that G-Force presented, wrong wording or not.. it was a justified question. Or maybe Jeff Ireland was just being a dick about things, and it wasn't a justifiable question..

Dez is still going to make some serious money. Not to mention can use that as more motive to shut his haters up (Foster.. LOL).

In my opinion... If I were in Dez shoes.. I know I'm going to be making some big bucks. I know that I'm going to be scrutinized my whole career.. More so than I've already been. I'm playing an effing GAME for a living. You can ask me whatever question you want. I'm still taller than you. If not naturally, I'll just stand on my wallet.
Thanks to TheViking88 for the sig!!
  • Pack93z
  • Select Member Topic Starter
14 years ago

I initially was in the same camp as you, Shawn. Personally, I probably would have taken it with far less grace than Dez.

But, then I thought about it a bit deeper. I figured the kid's about to make more in one contract than 99% of people in the world make in a lifetime (stat was made up, deal with it). These teams are investing a lot of cash on these kids fresh out of college.. College where the emphasis is on football, not academics. Dez has had a history with how he handles his emotions, etc. I don't know the full story behind the question, but if it was a test question to see how mentally prepared for the rigors of being under a microscope that being an NFL player brings.. It might have be justified.. Wrong wording or not. If it went down the way that G-Force presented, wrong wording or not.. it was a justified question. Or maybe Jeff Ireland was just being a dick about things, and it wasn't a justifiable question..

Dez is still going to make some serious money. Not to mention can use that as more motive to shut his haters up (Foster.. LOL).

In my opinion... If I were in Dez shoes.. I know I'm going to be making some big bucks. I know that I'm going to be scrutinized my whole career.. More so than I've already been. I'm playing an effing GAME for a living. You can ask me whatever question you want. I'm still taller than you. If not naturally, I'll just stand on my wallet.

"Formo" wrote:

So that is your price.. it is said everyone has one.. a point where they will sell their soul and decency for the almighty dollar.

I guess I don't and couldn't roll that way.. that being Jeff Ireland. Or accepting the question as Dez.

In my opinion, this is where this nation is heading, where common respect towards another human can be bought and sold at some price. That price apparently is varied by each individual.

I know I literally couldn't walk into a room that a perspective employee was in and ask him such a question, without there being a very valid reason to do so.. examples that come to mind investigating a crime or a matter of life or death... but to walk into the room and ask him that question just so I could feel better about hiring them.

If my gut instincts were leading me into such a direction to find a need to ask such a question.. I would move onto the next prospective employee.. thus removing him from my draft board or reducing the amount of risk I would place upon hiring him.

I can see absolutely no grounds for such a question.. even if the scenario played out like the Dolphins now claim it has.

I know I couldn't ask the question.. and I know how I would feel if it was asked to me..

Call me old fashion.. a prude, naive.. whatever.. but there is no price in which I find it acceptable.
"The oranges are dry; the apples are mealy; and the papayas... I don't know what's going on with the papayas!"
14 years ago
Well, from everything I hear, Dez mentioned that his father was a pimp in his conversation with Ireland, and his mother's criminal background was pretty well known by those around him. In such a free ranging conversation where this kid offered up the Dad as pimp comment, does it seem so far out of line to inquire as to whether or not his mother was hustled by his dad? You can argue that it may have benefited from a more tactful approach, but if you are going to pay a kid, who is troubled by every account, all that cash, I would have to say not much is off limits...especially when the kid essentially broaches the subject.

My two cents.....
State Motto: "Wisconsin, our serial murderers eat their kill!"
14 years ago
The only account in which Bryant offered that his father is a pimp is the "leaked" account from the Dolphins organization (that nobody will take credit for). The kid says that didn't happen, and why would Ireland go public with an apology if he didn't think he'd done anything wrong? All you have to do is read a thread like this and it's pretty clear that the average fan's so pissed off about people getting paid big money to "play a game" they'd side with the executive anyway.

To be clear: These kids aren't getting millions because they're holding the American public at gunpoint. They're paid what the market will bear, by an industry that makes billions from their efforts - and if they tweak a knee, they'll be done making money, just like that. Everyone's got their own opinion of whether that's good or bad; me, I'd rather the players get the money than the already ridiculously rich owners, but to each their own.

Bottom line: It's either acceptable to ask a prospective employee if his mother is a prostitute, or it isn't. None of this crap about how much the kids get paid; is it acceptable to ask a prospective commodities trader the same question?

Me, I say that question's out of line. Period.
14 years ago

why would Ireland go public with an apology if he didn't think he'd done anything wrong?

"ILikeThePackers39" wrote:

To stick his finger in a burgeoning public relations disaster? Insincere, attorney-written apologies are released everyday. See for recent examples: Roethlisberger, Ben and Woods, Tiger.
14 years ago

I initially was in the same camp as you, Shawn. Personally, I probably would have taken it with far less grace than Dez.

But, then I thought about it a bit deeper. I figured the kid's about to make more in one contract than 99% of people in the world make in a lifetime (stat was made up, deal with it). These teams are investing a lot of cash on these kids fresh out of college.. College where the emphasis is on football, not academics. Dez has had a history with how he handles his emotions, etc. I don't know the full story behind the question, but if it was a test question to see how mentally prepared for the rigors of being under a microscope that being an NFL player brings.. It might have be justified.. Wrong wording or not. If it went down the way that G-Force presented, wrong wording or not.. it was a justified question. Or maybe Jeff Ireland was just being a dick about things, and it wasn't a justifiable question..

Dez is still going to make some serious money. Not to mention can use that as more motive to shut his haters up (Foster.. LOL).

In my opinion... If I were in Dez shoes.. I know I'm going to be making some big bucks. I know that I'm going to be scrutinized my whole career.. More so than I've already been. I'm playing an effing GAME for a living. You can ask me whatever question you want. I'm still taller than you. If not naturally, I'll just stand on my wallet.

"pack93z" wrote:

So that is your price.. it is said everyone has one.. a point where they will sell their soul and decency for the almighty dollar.

I guess I don't and couldn't roll that way.. that being Jeff Ireland. Or accepting the question as Dez.

In my opinion, this is where this nation is heading, where common respect towards another human can be bought and sold at some price. That price apparently is varied by each individual.

I know I literally couldn't walk into a room that a perspective employee was in and ask him such a question, without there being a very valid reason to do so.. examples that come to mind investigating a crime or a matter of life or death... but to walk into the room and ask him that question just so I could feel better about hiring them.

If my gut instincts were leading me into such a direction to find a need to ask such a question.. I would move onto the next prospective employee.. thus removing him from my draft board or reducing the amount of risk I would place upon hiring him.

I can see absolutely no grounds for such a question.. even if the scenario played out like the Dolphins now claim it has.

I know I couldn't ask the question.. and I know how I would feel if it was asked to me..

Call me old fashion.. a prude, naive.. whatever.. but there is no price in which I find it acceptable.

"Formo" wrote:

From what I gathered, he asked if Dez's mother was a prostitute. He didn't call her a whore or any other name. There's a difference. I don't see it as a 'price'. I see it as a question about one's mother's occupation prior to potentially signing said person to a multimillion dollar deal.

Ultimately, those dollars are going to support Dez and his family. Probably for decades. I'm willing to bet he won't even remember the question being asked in 2 years from now.. much less 20.
Thanks to TheViking88 for the sig!!
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    dfosterf (29-May) : Andy Herman and his Pack a day podcast put up GB strengths yesterday. This morning he did weaknesses. They are both very good.
    Zero2Cool (25-May) : Yes.
    beast (24-May) : Does he say what it is?
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    buckeyepackfan (22-May) : Not serious but waiting for strength and conditioning coach referwnces.
    buckeyepackfan (22-May) : Tom and Kraft both injured(pectoral muscle),
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    beast (17-May) : Not sure why a players views reflect on GB... instead of simply on the player
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    Zero2Cool (16-May) : Jan 4th gonna be rough with that start time lol
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    Zero2Cool (13-May) : Sources spoke of many, many times last summer where Hackett called a play, then Rodgers changed it completely at the line
    Martha Careful (10-May) : 1. this is true of all our linemen. 2. His run block is fine. 3. If all OL played like he has, we would win SB.
    beast (10-May) : Meyers pass blocking is really good, his run blocking is really not.
    Zero2Cool (9-May) : Packers have claimed DE Spencer Waege off of waivers from the 49ers and waived DT Rodney Mathews.
    Zero2Cool (9-May) : And the OL protections seem to be good.
    Zero2Cool (9-May) : I really don't know lol. I don't see him getting blown up.
    Zero2Cool (9-May) : -3 buwahhhahaaha
    Mucky Tundra (9-May) : 4th
    Zero2Cool (9-May) : because he's 1st
    Mucky Tundra (9-May) : Myers isn't even the 3rd best C on the roster atm
    Martha Careful (9-May) : I am not sure I understand the Myers hate. He was consistently our third best lineman. RG and LT were worse.
    beast (9-May) : Just saying I don't think moving Myers would help Myers.
    beast (9-May) : Center is usually considered the easiest position physically if you can handle the snap stuff.
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